Several delta oriented research programmes have developed an
interest in studying Tidal River Management (TRM). The programmes that have put
efforts in analysing the specifics of TRM include the Urbanizing Deltas of theWorld programme, the ESPA programme, and ‘my’ Dynamic Deltas research project. Also
within Bangladesh, different institutions such as FAO, UNDP and BWDB are conducting
research on the topic.
TRM geographically takes place in the coastal zone of
Bangladesh. It concerns the temporary removal of polder embankments, which
makes these lands liable to tidal flooding again (and temporarily also inhibits
agricultural production). Tidal dynamics redistribute sediments, from the
adjacent silted up river system, and deposit them on the polder lands. These
rivers regain some of their original profile, and within the polder, land is
heightened. After closing the embankment again, it takes another 2-3 years to
take the polder lands into cultivation again.
Recently published studies interested in TRM are set up from an
environmental science point of view (e.g. calculating sediment dynamics, river
discharge and tidal flows) but also from a social sciences perspective (e.g.
policy analysis, social learning, sustainable livelihoods). Although the list
below is probably not fully complete, it gives you an idea about the various
dimension of TRM that have most recently (2017) been published.
Mutahara et al (2017): TRM and social learning for adaptive
management; Gain et al (2017): interdisciplinary approach towards TRM
implementation; Karim et al (2017): local stakeholder analysis of TRM in beel
Kapalia. Earlier
studies include Nowreen et al (2014) on rationalizing TRM from an historic
perspective, and a discussion on the potential effectiveness of TRM in
hydro-morphological terms between Auerbach et al (2015) and Hossain et al
(2015). There are other articles under construction.
In our article from 2017, Jeroen Warner, Shah Alam Khan and I discuss how past flood management
interventions in Bangladesh have oscillated between adopting ‘closed’ or ‘open’
approaches, and how TRM is positioned as an ‘in-between’ intervention. We also note
that TRM started not as concept that was being developed and implemented by
hydraulic engineers, but as a local initiative, by the authorities referred to
as ‘illegal embankment breaching’. Despite its downsides, the embankment
breaching also came with advantages and in order to make it acceptable for
policy makers and water managers to take it seriously, it needed to be
scientifically studied and be given a concept.
From this perspective it is fascinating to see that TRM is
currently being discussed within the context of long-term delta planning. The recently
published draft version of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (link or link) is
quite positive about the potential of TRM as an element of coastal management
in Bangladesh: “When considered, however, as part of an integral strategy for
the coastal zone, it may be of interest considering national stakes. This
measure is also considered effective for the longer term.” BDP2100 draft,
p.300. Moreover, the plan discusses 7 potential TRM locations, referring to a
TRM Master Plan developed by BWDB in 2013.
So, a locally contested illegal embankment breaching has
made it to a formalized concept being discussed at the highest policy levels in
Bangladesh. I'm sure we'll hear much more about it in the coming years.
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